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Talking Archives 2, Episode 3: Stefanie Schulte Strathaus

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Watch the third episode of Talking Archives 2, our online interview series produced by A/CA researchers Monika Kin Gagnon and Elina Lex, featuring conversations with filmmakers, archivists, and researchers who presented at the Global Audiovisual Archiving Conference in Toronto in July 2024.

This episode features Stefanie Schulte Strathaus in conversation with Monika. Stefanie is the artistic director of Arsenal Institut für Film und Videokunst Berlin e.V. She was the founding director of Forum Expanded and has directed multiple international projects on marginal archives, including “Living Archive” and “Archive außer sich.” In 2021 she launched the #ArchivalAssembly festival which featured its third edition in September 2024.

This interview was originally recorded on July 14, 2024 during the Global Audiovisual Archiving Conference at the TIFF Lightbox, Toronto.

Archive/Counter-Archive is dedicated to activating and remediating audiovisual archives created by Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Métis, Inuit), the Black community and People of Colour, womxn, LGBT2Q+, and immigrant communities. Political, resistant, and community-based, counter-archives disrupt conventional narratives and enrich our histories.

Video editor: Elina Lex

Production assistance: Jean-Pierre (JP) Marchant (CineMobilia) and Benjamin Dyment


For more information about Stefanie’s discussion topics, please see:

Arsenal Institute for Film and Video Art, Berlin, https://www.arsenal-berlin.de/en/institute/ueber-uns/

Arsenal’s Archive and Distribution, https://www.arsenal-berlin.de/en/archive-distribution/

Shaihu Umar (1976), distributed by ArtMattan Productions: https://www.africanfilm.com/products/shaihu-umar