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Chasing Moons: New Digitizations from the WFG Vault, available on VUCAVU until April 8th

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If you didn't have a chance to catch the in-person Chasing Moons screening from the Winnipeg Film Group at the Black Lodge Theatre last week, the program is now available to watch online on VUCAVU until April 8th.

Chasing Moons: New Digitizations from the Winnipeg Film Group Vault is a curated selection of five short films from the Winnipeg Film Group (WFG) distribution collection which have recently been digitized during the WFG’s ongoing Archive/Counter-Archive Case Study.

This evocative collection of shorts features animations, dramatic fictions, and one delightful documentary that follows a group of amateur astronomers as they attempt to catch sight of the 1979 solar eclipse just outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Chasing Moons offers a glimpse into previously inaccessible parts of the WFG’s archive and showcases five beautifully weaved visual stories of love, dreaming, and play. Featuring films by Norma Bailey, Ian Elkin, Yasmin P. Karim, Eve Majzels, Uwe Thein, and Tomoyuki Yamada.
Free streaming on VUCAVU.com from April 2-8, 2024: https://vucavu.com/en/programs/chasingmoons

Image credit: The Blue Bridge, Tomoyuki Yamada, 00:12:00, 1998, WFG.