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Headshot of Annaëlle Winand

Annaëlle Winand

Artistic Co-Director
Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV)

Annaëlle Winand is a PhD candidate at the Department of Library and Information Science (Université de Montréal). She holds a master's degree in History and Archival Science from the University of Louvain (Belgium). Her research focuses on the notion of archive(s) in experimental films and videos. In parallel to her doctoral research, she is a programmer at the Montreal Underground Film Festival and artistic co-director of Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV).

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Headshot of Anne Golden

Anne Golden

Co-Artistic Director
Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV)

Anne Golden is an independent curator and writer whose programs have been presented at Musée National du Québec, Edges Festival, and Queer City Cinema, among others. She has written for FUSE and Canadian Theatre Review. Golden has participated in numerous panels on curatorial practices, independent distribution, and more recently, horror films.

Golden is Artistic Director of Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV). She teaches in the Media Arts Department of John Abbott College. Her novel FROM THE ARCHIVES OF VIDÉO POPULAIRE (Pedlar Press) was released in March, 2016. Golden has made over twenty videos including LES AUTRES (1991), FAT CHANCE (1994), BIG GIRL TOWN (1998), and THE HORROR CYCLE (2016-2018).

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Headshot of May Chew

May Chew

Epistemologies of the Archive Working Group Lead, Assistant Professor
Concordia University

May Chew is an Assistant Professor at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema and Department of Art History at Concordia University. Chew collaborates on Houses on Pengarth, a research and curation project centred on developing a socially-engaged, experimental art lab in Toronto’s Lawrence Heights community. Her recent work includes a chapter in the anthology Material Cultures in Canada (WLU Press, 2015); articles in Imaginations, the International Journal of Heritage Studies, the Journal of Canadian Art History; and Public 57: Archives/Counter-Archives, which she co-edited with Susan Lord and Janine Marchessault.

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Headshot of Suzanne Morrissette

Suzanne Morrissette

Assistant Professor
OCAD University

Suzanne Morrissette is a Métis artist, curator, and scholar from Winnipeg who is currently based out of Toronto. Her research in the areas of Indigenous histories of resistance, and the development of liberal political philosophy in Canada have come together in the form of artworks, exhibitions, articles, and her forthcoming book which examines the progression of Indigenous relations in Canada since the early 1900s against the context of growing inclusion in the arts. She has taught liberal arts and studio courses at various universities since 2011, and currently works as Assistant Professor at Brock University in the Department of Visual Arts.

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Headshot of Carla Taunton

Carla Taunton

Associate Professor
NSCAD University

Dr. Carla Taunton is an Associate Professor in the Division of Art History and Contemporary Culture at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University (NSCAD) and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the department of Cultural Studies at Queen’s University. Taunton is a white-settler scholar whose areas of expertise include arts-based critique of settler colonialism, Indigenous arts and methodologies, contemporary Canadian art, museum and curatorial studies, as well as theories of decolonization, anti-colonialism, and settler responsibility. Her recent collaborative research projects include: The GLAM Collective, The Pilimmaksarniq/Pijariuqsarniq Project: Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership (2017), Archive/Counter-Archive: Activating Canada’s Moving Image Heritage (2018 - 2024), Transactive Memory Keepers (2016-ongoing); This is What I Wish You Knew: Urban Aboriginal Artists (2015-ongoing), and Theories and Methodologies for Indigenous Arts in North America (2014-ongoing). Her recent publications include “Performing Sovereignty: Forces to be Reckoned With” in More Caught in the Act (2016), and “Embodying Sovereignty: Indigenous Women’s Performance Art in Canada,” in Narratives Unfolding (2017). With Dr. Julie Nagam and Dr. Heather Igloliorte, she co-edited PUBLIC 54: Indigenous Art, and in 2017 with Igloliorte she co-edited a special issue of RACAR on Indigenous art histories.

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Headshot of Tamara deSzegheo Lang
Research Associate

Tamara de Szegheo Lang

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Vulnerable Media Lab Project Manager
Queen's University

Tamara de Szegheo Lang is Project Manager of the Vulnerable Media Lab and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Film and Media at Queen’s University. She holds a doctorate in Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies from York University. Dr. de Szegheo Lang’s research takes up queer history, community-based archives, visual culture, and the affective relationships between LGBT2Q people and the past. Her publications have appeared in the Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, the Journal of Lesbian Studies, and the Journal of Homosexuality. Dr. de Szegheo Lang is also active in curatorial and programming roles. She is a member of the programming committee for the Reelout Queer Film Festival in Kingston, a co-programmer of the Born in Frames Screening Series at Queen’s University, and past curatorial committee co-chair of the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives.

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Headshot of Alanna Thain

Alanna Thain

Associate Professor
English and IGSF, McGill University

Alanna Thain is a professor of Cultural Studies and World Cinemas at McGill University, where she directs the Moving Image Research Laboratory and the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies. She is the author of Bodies in Suspense: Time and Affect in Cinema (University of Minnesota Press, 2017). Her current research includes Anarchival Outbursts on dance and the movement practices of post-digital cinema, and Cinema Out of the Box, a research-creation project around a mobile, bike powered cinema, and the global trend of outdoor cinemas.

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Headshot of Anna Hudson

Anna Hudson

York University

Anna Hudson is an art historian, curator, and writer specializing in Canadian Art, Curatorial and Indigenous Studies. Hudson is currently leading Mobilizing Inuit Cultural Heritage, a SSSHRC-supported research/creation collaboration aimed at recovering, preserving, documenting, facilitating, and disseminating Inuit knowledge, culture, and creativity. Dr. Hudson’s curatorial credits include Tunirrusiangit: Kenojuak Ashevak and Tim Pitsiulak (curated with Koomuatuk Curley, Taqralik Partridge, Jocelyn Piirainen, Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, and Georgiana Uhlyarik, Art Gallery of Ontario, 2018); inVisibility: Indigenous in the City, part of INVISIBILITY: An Urban Aboriginal Education Connections Project (with Dr. Susan Dion and Dr. Carla Rice, Aird Gallery, Toronto, 2013); and Painting Canada: Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven (with Ian Dejardin and Katerina Atanassova, Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, UK, 2011). Professor Hudson continues to pursue research in the area of her doctoral dissertation, Art and Social Progress: the Toronto Community of Painters (1933-1950).

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Headshot of Heather Home

Heather Home

Public Service/Private Records Archivist
Queen's University Archives

Heather Home has been the Public Services/Private Records Archivist at Queen's University Archives since September 2001. Prior to arriving at Queen's, she worked at the Provincial Archives of Alberta in the Private Records Division, as well as CBC Vancouver within the film archives. Heather holds a Master of Archival Studies (M.A.S.) from the University of British Columbia and a B.A. (Honours) in Cultural Studies from Trent University. Over the past decade she has served on a variety of local, and national, boards and committees for the Association of Canadian Archivists, the Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation, Archives Association of Ontario, Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries, and Historic Sites and the City of Kingston. Ms. Home’s research interests include the documentation and conservation of media arts heritage, early 20th century Canadian women artists archives, and the use of archival material in the creation of imaginative works.

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Headshot of Jessica Jacobson-Konefall

Jessica Jacobson-Konefall

Case Study Co-Lead
SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Toronto

Jessica Jacobson-Konefall is a SSHRC postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Toronto in the Department of History of Art. Her current interests are in contemporary art, care work, creativity, labour, and ecology. She works as assistant to artists Rebecca Belmore and Osvaldo Yero, and as instructor at University of Winnipeg and University of Manitoba. She has published in many scholarly journals and books.

As an archivist at Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art Gallery, working for Director Daina Warren and Dr. Sherry Farell-Racette, her dissertation focused on her work archiving the gallery's programming history from its inception in 1996. As archivist for artist Rebecca Belmore, she digitized Belmore's works from 1980s-present day. Her chapter "Here: Our Alienation and Transformative Agencies" is forthcoming in grunt gallery's anthology Wordless: The Performance Art of Rebecca Belmore (Vancouver, 2019). She is a member of Winnipeg-based solidarity group Friends of Shoal Lake 40.

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